CMU Helps Launch AI Institute Working on COVID-19 Mitigation Efforts

June 19, 2020

Carnegie Mellon University co-founded the Digital Transformation Institute, which awarded $5.4 million to 26 research proposals that aim to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 and future pandemics, according to a news release.

The institute, founded in March, works to further development and adoption of AI.

Other founding organizations include Microsoft Corp., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of California Berkeley, Princeton University, University of Chicago, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University. UIUC and UC Berkeley manage and host the institute.

The Digital Transformation Institute is composed of a research award program, a visiting scholars program, curriculum development resources, a data analytics platform to support research, an outreach program that includes an annual conference and an industry program that connects researchers with global tech companies.

Read the full article here.